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Word: 'numen' • Extended Annotations


Extended Annotations

Ancestral Lore

Ancestral Lore of numen

1640s, "divine, spiritual, of or pertaining to a numen"

from Latin numen "divine will, divinity"

from nuo, nuere (v.) "nod, assent" + mens, mentis (n.) "mind, intention, frame of mind, judgment"

numen noun
plural: numina

numinous adjective


Specific examples and quotes of numen

pure word A pure, unadulterated word pure word

“An unconscious submitting to aberrant energies, due to fearfulness or slack, means a lack of awareness, a dearth of effort and, therefore, an incomprehension of one’s numinous origin.”

"Weird Genius"
The Story of Your Ankh
by Sabina Nore

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~☉~lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context
classic definition
artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense

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