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Word: 'note' • Extended Annotations


Extended Annotations

Ancestral Lore

Ancestral Lore of note

from Latin nota "mark, sign, letter, word, writing"

note noun


Specific examples and quotes of note

Combing notes into one sound is a harmony.
The difference in the pitch between two notes is their interval.
The richness of harmony multiplies with each added note:
2-note harmonies have one interval.
3-note harmonies have three intervals (between each other, and each note).
4-note harmonies have six intervals, etc.
Chords are harmonies with 3 or more notes.
Intervals are the building blocks of chords.

In sheet music, notes are written on a staff.
In German, Buchstabe "letter" literally means "book-staff."
In Old English stæf, in plural, was the common word for "letter of the alphabet or character"
stæfcræft "grammar," stæfcræftig "lettered," stæflic "literary"

from Oxford English Dictionary:

interjection (1392 - )
Observe; take note

noun (1701 - )
A mark, sign, or symbol

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~☉~lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context
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