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Word: 'nature' • Extended Annotations


Extended Annotations

Ancestral Lore

Ancestral Lore of nature

13th century, "restorative powers of the body; powers of growth"

Old French nature "nature, being, principle of life; character, essence"
Latin natura "birth, character, course of things; natural character, constitution, quality"

Latin natus "born"
past participle of nasci "to be born, to be destined; arise" (also in reference to stars and dawn)

14th century, "the forces or processes of the material world; that which produces living things and maintains order"

nature noun


Specific examples and quotes of nature

"The sfir or pure candor is not the easiest to achieve, but it generates its power exactly from this straightforwardness. Through its brilliance, it automatically keeps certain influences at an energetic distance, acting as a force field that provides the self with the freedom to adhere to one's nature, and the way of source, undisturbed by any influences meaningless to the path of the eternal self. Moving within the lucid flux, one is energetically protected. It is powerful, allowing for swiftness of "grand action" accompanied by a strong focus. The result is more experience per life time, augmented learning potential, generating an overall high evolution potential."

"Weird Genius"
The Story of Your Ankh
by Sabina Nore

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~☉~lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context
classic definition
artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense

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