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Ancestral Lore

Ancestral Lore of nervous

late 14th century, "containing nerves; affecting the sinews"

from Latin nervosus "sinewy, vigorous," from nervus "sinew, nerve"
nervous used to mean "possessing or manifesting vigor of mind, characterized by force or strength"
Changed by the medical community in the 18th century

nervous adjective
  • timid, aprehensive
  • easily excited or irritated, jumpy
  • tending to produce nervousness or agitation, uneasy
  • of, relating to, or composed of neurons
  • marked by strength of thought, feeling, or style: spirited


Specific examples and quotes of nervous

A complete perversion of the original meaning. From "posessing vigor of mind" and "characterized by force or strength", to "timid, aprehensive, jumpy".

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~☉~lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context
classic definition
artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense

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