A love for games and role playing, a lifelong passion for world mythology (and extensive knowledge thereof), an innate talent for creating worlds and inventing intricate stories, a broad understanding of human nature, history & weaponry lore as well as personal martial arts skills, a playful nature and a fabulous intuition. All of that, and more — combined — what do you get?

Lorenz D20 Walker

Dungeon Master

As a dungeon master, concocting a story just for you and your friends, I will take you on an unforgettable, custom-tailored D&D adventure!
Whether it is gloriously memorable entertainment, or the discovery and even facing of your darkest shadows - whatever you seek, your game shall be served.

It's a role-playing game...
Immersion matters

Dungeon master

Let me tell you and your friends a story... I would love to take you there right away! Alas, and luckily, every story is different. If you are a fan of "short" experiences, I can provide one-shot sessions, too. In case you are not familiar with the term, basically that means: One session, one story. At the end of the session, the story ends. Kind of like a movie, a motion picture, except it is a story and an experience in which you and your friends are the main stars. Or, I can do what I do best: I can take you deeper... into an intricate adventure that keeps evolving and taking you farther and further. An elaborate experience for the mind and something to look forward to! To follow the previous analogy, this option would be rather like a TV series, except, again, you and your friends are the main characters.

I have been a game master long before I heard of Dungeons and Dragons. Even in my childhood, I was inventing and creating games and stories. This game, and the role of the Dungeon Master has evolved spontaneously, as a natural extension of that which has always been.

Interested to find out more about my playing method, types of scenarios, and prices?

New to DnD?

An introduction to the best game of all time


You meet with a select group of friends, every week, on a designated day. The Day. The D&D day.

You spend hours together, playing a game of imagination. Each one of you is a specific character within the game.

The character you play can be based on your actual persona, or it can be something you've always wanted to try, to be.
You can be anything & anyone. Your choice. The same goes for your friends.

You meet. The Dungeon Master presents the beginning, and so it starts.

You travel together. You partake in adventures. You solve mysteries. Your character's choices have unforeseeable repercussions. Your actions in the game also affect the development of your character.

You learn more about yourself, and others. You discover new ways, new skills. Maybe you even discover what you've been missing your whole life.

You have the time of your life. Those 4 or 5 hours have flown by, the session ends for the day.

You cannot wait for the continuation. And continue, it will.

Hiring a personal dungeon master

When you hire a DM, they will approach your and your friends' journey with the responsibility befitting a job, which is exactly what it is. Preparing a campaign is work, even before the journey officially begins. At its most basic, you are hiring a professional so that you don't have to do that work... however, it is much more than that. A professional dungeon master is not only proficient regarding the rules and mechanics of the game, but they also have a very particular set of skills that are needed in order to provide the group with an immersive and unforgettable experience!

Ok, but why hire Lorenz Walker?

"Always goes over the top with his ideas.
Won't settle with vanilla ideas and will always try to reinvent the wheel in one way or another."

More testimonials & details