D&D Classes

& Subclasses

Select a class

Very few decisions need to be made before the game begins. Choosing the class that your character (meaning: You) will play is one of those decisions. Remember, D&D is a role-playing game. Who are you? Who do you want to be?

If you are new to Dungeons & Dragons, don't let the titles of the classes confuse you. Though they may seem like professions, the class is much more than that. It is the core of your character, which, among others, includes the prime motivation for the reasoning or decision making process.

The following DnD classes and subclasses are listed in alphabetical order.


Innovative Artisans and Inventors
The fusion of technology, craftsmanship, and magic. Artificers not only create magic items, but also utilize them creatively.

Primary ability:

Are you an artificer? What kind of artificer are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠


They can brew potions that strengthen does who drink them, or make poisons to kill their enemies. They specialize in damage with acid, fire, and poisons, and are adapt at healing, too.


They are magical smiths, being able to enchant armor to be bound to the artificer. From this armor, the artificer can launch a variety of attacks and generate impenetrable defenses.


They can create a magical cannon, that either shoots bolts of force, spews flames or creates a defensive field. As they increase their knowledge, the cannon can be used for additional purposes.

Battle Smith

These Artificers have become smiths and warriors. Using their proficiency, they create a faithful metal hound, that can fight alongside the artificer. Furthermore, out of all of the artificers, the Battle Smith is most proficient in fighting with weapons.


Paragons of Physical Prowess
Often abandoning reason, to go into a brutal rage, allows barbarians to rip their enemies apart. In many ways they are also animalistic, possessing great instincts and reflexes.

Primary ability:

Are you a barbarian? What kind of barbarian are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Path of the Ancestral Guardian

The Barbarian is in close communion with his ancestors, and they can even be summoned to assist the barbarian, by protecting the barbarian from attacks. The spirits can also give the barbarian insights and visions to answer its questions.

Path of the Battlerager

Only Dwarves can go down this path. A DM might allow exceptions.
Battleragers utilize spiked armor to protect them and damage their enemies. They are the truly reckless barbarians.

Path of the Beast

These Barbarians have the ability to become more animal-like, growing claws and fangs to shred their opponents, or allow them to move like beasts. As they become more attuned to their inner beast, their rage makes them feral, and it can infect their enemies as well.

Path of the Berserker

Berserkers are singleminded, and once they enter rage, they become mindless monsters, that attack faster and with more power. They are an intimidating sight and a force to be reckoned with.

Path of the Storm Herald

These Barbarians carry a storm within them, that they release once they rage. This Storm grows in power as the barbarian gains more experience, until their very presence can level armies.

Path of the Totem Warrior

Totem Warriors are connected with a spirit animal, that shares its power with the barbarian, giving it the power of nature. There are multiple totem spirits, and each give the barbarian powerful boosts.

Path of Wild Magic

These Barbarians have somehow been infused with chaotic energy, and their rage is accompanied by powerful magic, albeit it random. As the Barbarian grows accustomed to it, they can start controlling it better.

Path of the Zealot

Barbarians are usually wild, unfocused wrath. This makes them dangerous, as their wild powers are difficult to withstand. The zealot makes this wrath even more dangerous, as it stands behind an idealism or god. Its focused fury burns through anyone that opposes these Zealots.


Wielders of Convincing Words or Powerful Song
Bards are incredibly charismatic individuals, who have a way with music or words. Their presence can inspire their allies, boosting the moral of the whole group.

Primary ability:
Bardic inspiration

Are you a bard? What kind of bard are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

College of Creation

These Bards can even inspire inanimate objects to jump to life. Using their magic, they can create helpful trinkets or items.

College of Eloquence

College of Eloquence Bards utilize their words to their maximum capacity to persuade and manipulate anyone who will listen to them.

College of Glamour

These Bards are masters at impressing and charming, as they utilize fey charm to enthrall their audience. It is easy for them to become charismatic rulers.

College of Lore

These Bards are inspired by the Wizards way of schooling, and have doven deeper into arcane secrets than the other colleges. However, they are equally adapt at using their words to confuse and distract when necessary.

College of Spirits

These Bards don't tell the songs of the living or the legends of heroes, but rather listen to the tales of the dead and unsung stories. Sometimes the spirits have more to give than just stories and offer their help to these mystic bards.

College of Swords

Most bards sing of tales of greater heroes and warriors. The college of swords bards decided to become their own muses. They learned to fight and go into battle as well as any other hero, just do so with more style.

College of Valor

These Bards are driven to battle, and have made it their mission to inspire their fellow warriors to fight with all of their soul. They are the beacon of every battlefield, and when it seems all is lost, the valorous skald will push on, and inspire the rest to do so as well.

College of Whispers

This college laughs at the bards that are flamboyant and exuberant, for they know that the real stories are secrets. And secrets are their specialty. They use their words like rogues might slip someone poison. They move like shadows, and are untraceable.


The Instruments of the Gods
The sole purpose of the cleric's existence is to serve their god. They live according to the god's commandments, spreading their influence wherever they can.

Primary ability:
Channeling divinity

Are you a cleric? What kind of cleric are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Arcana Domain

These are the most wizard-like clerics, as their gods allow them to tap into the power of arcane knowledge and spells. They are very adapt at magic and have learned to utilize it.

Death Domain

These clerics are tasked with the harvesting of those who should die. They are gifted necrotic powers by their gods, and will shred the life force of the living.

Forge Domain

The forge domain allows for ambitious smiths and artisans to devote themselves to a god of creation and tinkering. As such, they can enchant armors and weapons, while their work in the hot forges make them less susceptible to fire. These clerics are most attuned with fire and metal.

Grave Domain

These clerics are hunters of the undead, as defying the natural laws is the biggest sin for them. As such, they have a fine sense for necrotic energy and the undead. For this, their gods favor them to stay alive, to hunt down the abominations that resist death.

Knowledge Domain

These clerics are walking libraries. Their sole purpose is to gather, contain and preserve knowledge. Their gods value it above all else, and so it is their job to protect it. For their prayer and devotion, the gods bestow upon them abilities that allow these clerics to gain knowledge swiftly.

Life Domain

As a counterpart to death, life clerics exist to spread the positive energy and keep all that they can alive. They are the beacon of hope for any wounded or sick being, and their magic comes straight from the gods.

Light Domain

Light banishes darkness, and the creatures within. Gods of this domain are usually there to create a safe environment in the light, and so do the clerics of light. They shine the way for daring explorers and adventures, easing the path for those that are righteous.

Nature Domain

There are some gods that represent aspects of nature. To help fulfill their tasks at maintaining the natural order, they use clerics to assist them at protecting nature and sometimes for helping it regrow where necessary, or even to stand in the way of something that wishes to destroy nature.

Order Domain

These gods represent law and order, and are a boon to any king that wishes to rule over a land. Clerics represent these gods. If a ruler is worthy, so will the clerics assist such royals in keeping order.

Peace Domain

As a counterpart to war, peace is very necessary for growth. It allows for rebuilding, and for nurturing different aspects of life. Gods of peace use clerics of peace to put out the fires of war.

Tempest Domain

Storm gods care for little except chaos and destruction. Likewise, their clerics are equally shallow, yet with this simple life style, they are gifted with the raw power of storms.

Trickery Domain

Clerics of trickery's sole purpose is to unbalance and create chaos. They challenge moral standards, authority and law. As such, they're not very popular.

Twilight Domain

These Clerics worship the beauty of the dark and the gods that bring it. As such they specialize against monsters that lurk in the dark, so that even the common folk can find sanctuary in the darkness.

War Domain

The god of war seeks to plant the seeds of destruction and the war clerics assist them in doing so. War Clerics, therefore, excel in combat, and can inspire the confidence to start a war in others.


Keepers of Primeval Secrets
A druid is dedicated to nature and serves it as a whole, unlike clerics who are dedicated to a single god. Attuned to the natural flow, druids can call upon the versatility and resilience of nature.

Primary ability:
Wild shape

Are you a druid? What kind of druid are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Circle of Dreams

The Feywild is in close connection with natural energy, and so Druids of the Circle of Dreams are guardians, who utilize the powers of fey to protect the downtrodden and ease their wounds.

Circle of the Land

These are the most common druids, as they are protectors and holders of ancient secrets of lands from forgotten times. They are in unison with their surrounding. Thus, they gain access to magic according to the lands they protect.

Circle of the Moon

These druids are more in tune with natural bestial power. Protecting the darkest and harshest of the wilderness, they carry a ferocity to protect nature from all. At times they are more beast than man, which often results in them being loners.

Circle of the Shepherd

Shepherd Druids herd natural spirits, and are generally gentle protectors, that wish to take the weak under their wing. They see beauty in all that is natural. They can commune with spirits if necessary, and call upon their help.

Circle of Spores

Many see decay and death as something bad. The Circle of Spores does not, as they know that death gives birth to life, and therefore they see beauty in decay. Because of this, they use nature's more bizarre forces, those that decompose and transform the dead, such as fungi, for instance.

Circle of Stars

Nature is all around, and reaches further than we think. Circle of Stars druids have observed the stars and learned many of their secrets. Due to that they can harvest the cosmic power that surrounds all of us.

Circle of Wildfire

Destruction can seem senseless, and few would consider it constructive. The Circle of Wildfire, however, does. Destruction gives way to creation, more importantly the creation of something new.


The Vanguards among Heroes
Boasting endurance, strength and speed, the fighters are highly dependable. As masters of all weapons and armor, they are at the the forefront of any daring adventure.

Primary ability:
Action surge

Are you a fighter? What kind of fighter are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Arcane Archer

Combining marksmanship with magic, Arcane Archers infuse their arrows with devastating magical powers. They are tactical, versatile warriors. Their unique munition can be used in creative as well as straightforward ways.


These warriors strive by having others follow them, as they inspire strength and fortitude. Their banner will make people listen to them in times of battle, as a banneret's tactical prowess will help win a fight.

Battle Master

These masters of combat know many tricks and stratagems to win in a fight. They are masters of their weapon, and anyone would be foolish to fight one, one on one. They are analytical and have a keen eye for sensing weaknesses, which they will abuse.


On the back of a mount, the cavalier reigns supreme, as nothing can unseat them, nor reach their superiority once they are mounted. They are focused fighters, able to protect those around them, while punishing any that stray their eyes from them.


These fighters are powerful brutes with devastating strikes. They are hard to put down, and hard to withstand. They have little need for strategy or tactics, as their martial prowess can win them any fight.

Echo Knight

These fighters have through meditation and dedicated training managed to tap into alternate timelines, to summon echoes of themselves to strike their opponents. They are unpredictable warriors, and fighting one can seem like fighting an army.

Eldritch Knight

A combination of martial prowess and magic power, the Eldritch Knight can use magic to solve problems that a sword cannot. However they do also combine steel and arcana in fluid combinations, even in battle.

Psi Warrior

Some people were fortunate enough to be born with enough psionic power to be a psi warrior. With borderline magical abilities, the psi warrior is a psionic dreadnaught as it can wip aside most problems with ease.

Rune Knight

A runecarver, that can augment its martial ability by burrowing the power of giants. At first it may not seem like much, however soon the warriors will tower over any battlefield, crushing their foes with tremendous power.


These warriors make fighting an art form, not simply a necessity. They strike elegantly and with style, however elegance isn't their only boon. They are swift and determined warriors, as their fighting spirit will keep them engaged beyond what most could endure.


Mind over Matter
Monks utilize ki, that flows naturally through their body, increasing their mental and physical capabilities. They are wise and dexterous and have honed their skills to perfection through the practice of martial arts.

Primary ability:
Ki points

Are you a monk? What kind of monk are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Way of Mercy

These monks seek to use their own ki to help the life force of others. They are skilled healers, however, should you anger them or attempt to hurt an innocent soul, their ki can very well disrupt the very life force of a creature.

Way of the Ascendant Dragon

The ki of most monks is their own. Some monks transform their Ki into that of other, more powerful, creatures. Such is the case of the Ascendant Dragon monk. This allows them to imitate the powers of dragons, while maintaining their mortal frame.

Way of the Astral Self

Monks of the Astral Self believe that their ki represents their true form. Through dedication and discipline these monks can manifest their ki as astral projections of themselves.

Way of the Drunken Master

Many martial arts schools teach precision and discipline. Drunken Masters however teach their students to relax, and go with the flow. They imitate a drunken man, as their movements are unpredictable, while using every available moment.

Way of the Four Elements

Monks of the Four Elements align their ki with the elemental planes of existence, being then able to control the flow of air and water, as well as being able to manipulate and create rock & fire.

Way of the Kensei

Most Monks perfect their body and use their extremities as their weapons. The Kenseis, however, use weapons as an extension of themselves, and allow their ki to flow into the weapon as well. They strike deadly and quickly.

Way of the Long Death

Death isn't the first word that comes to mind when thinking of monks, yet the practitioners of Long Death can manipulate ki to affect life force in strange ways, allowing them to cheat death, or even harness the power of death and unleash it on another creature.

Way of the Open Hand

This monastic tradition fuses philosophy with martial prowess. They can artfully manipulate ki to disrupt their opponents, or to heal themselves. Masters of this technique can bring down behemoths with a simple touch.

Way of Shadow

Shadow monks know to use their light frame and stature to their advantage, whilst using their ki to shroud themselves in darkness. These Monks learn to generally use darkness to their advantage, and to control it, too.

Way of the Sun Soul

Monks learning the tradition of the Sun Soul look upon the sun for inspiration and guidance. They see how it radiates energy out, and so do the monks radiate their ki outward, often in destructive bursts that can incinerate anything.


Heroic Champions of the Gods
These armor-clad warriors are driven by idealisms and strict codes of conduct. Their very presence is usually enough to bolster their allies and make them unwavering in the face of danger. Often they are blessed by the gods to which they pray, allowing them to become supernatural warriors.

Primary ability:
Divine smite

Are you a paladin? What kind of paladin are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Oath of the Ancients

These green warriors are the epitome of good, and care little for law or chaos. They fight for pure beauty and seek to spread it. Often they are empowered by ancient natural beings, likewise seeking to spread beauty.

Oath of Conquest

These crusaders seek to impose order and law wherever they sense discord. They do so with crushing power and no remorse. Mercy is not in their vocabulary and neither is loss. Gods of order and war bless these warriors on their path of conquest.

Oath of the Crown

Sentinels of civilization are these paladins. They guard society and culture, and keep anything chaotic and barbarian away. Often they are bound to a sovereign or a god of rulership or order.

Oath of Devotion

These paladins are the paragons of good. They protect the weak, never lie, never cheat, are brave, and fight with dignity and honor. If they make mistakes they own up to it and make up for it. They exist to serve to good people.

Oath of Glory

Paladins of glory seek to immortalize their name and deeds. They believe in a lifestyle that is centered around perfecting every aspect of themselves. Their power grows as they grow more confident.

Oath of Redemption

To save the unsaveable is no small feat, but these paladins strive to do just that. They believe there is good in all, and that everyone can be redeemed. They will only resort to eliminating darkness, when it clearly threatens innocent lives.

Oath of Vengeance

When sin and darkness grow too thick and strong, when evil is gone unchecked, paladins of vengeance step in to punish the perpetrators with merciless aggression. They do not care for their own purity, as long as evil is vanquished.

Oath of the Watchers

Sometimes, threat comes from other realms. Against such invasions the Watchers are excellently equipped. They are defenders of mortal realms. Should any extradimensional threat occur, they are the ones to step in and banish it. As they deal with mysterious beings, they are rather cautious warriors, and highly perceptive.


Once proud paladins of an order, temptation or dark ambition has twisted their hearts and made them stray from their tenets. As light did not serve them as they had imagined, they turned to darkness and undeath. As their frustration grows, so do their ties to darkness.


Adroit Guardians of Natural Balance
These guardians of the wilderness are nimble and can move through dense undergrowth with ease and impossible silence. Respecting every aspect of nature, they remove anything from it that disrupts the natural balance.

Primary ability:
Favored enemy/terrain

Are you a ranger? What kind of ranger are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Beast Master Conclave

Being a ranger can be lonely, as not many wish to spend their time in the wilderness, far from civilization, yet rangers of the beast master conclave make all animals around them their friend. They can form special bonds with beasts that then accompany them in their guardianship of nature.


Gifted by some force, Drakewardens have powerful draconic companions to assist them in their watch. These drakes become more powerful as the ranger's bond with nature strengthens.

Fey Wanderer

These Rangers have, in one way or another, been infused with fey energy, and now their charm and otherworldly glamour is theirs to wield as they please.

Gloom Stalker Conclave

Gloom Stalkers take the rangers' stealth abilities to another level, as they ambush their prey from the dark. They are at home in darkness and purge the vile from it.

Horizon Walker Conclave

Most rangers defend their corner of the world, a forest, a humble village in the middle of wilderness, and so on. Horizon Walkers instead shift their focus to the grander scale, defending the material realm from all intruders. They watch planar portals, horizons of other worlds, and make sure nothing comes out of them.

Hunter Conclave

A versatile and broad conclave, the hunters protect civilization from the wild dangers that lurk in nature. Prepared as they are, they can take down giants or even hordes of goblins with precision and ease.

Monster Slayer Conclave

These Rangers seek otherworldly monsters, such as dragons, the undead, fiends and aberations, and destroy them. Their experience has made them exceedingly good at hunting these strange creatures.


Rangers that consider themselves Swarmkeepers have taken it upon themselves to take care of a swarm of nature spirits. They have their uses as well but, due to their chaotic nature, these rangers usually live alone, far from anyone else. Their bond with the swarm however becomes stronger and, with time, the swarm becomes an extension of them.


Expert Problem Solvers
Rogues are skillful heroes and scoundrels, that have learned to use an advantage to the fullest.

Primary ability:
Sneak attack

Are you a rogue? What kind of rogue are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Arcane Trickster

When innate skill isn't enough, the arcane trickster uses their magical abilities to find solutions for all manner of problems. Furthermore, they are experts at slight of hand, being able to take and plant things from a distance.


The skill perfected by these rogues is killing, as swiftly and silently as possible. They learn skills that allow them to get close to their target and to eliminate it, with a deft strike of a weapon.


Detectives and investigators, the inquisitive rogue doesn't miss a thing. More than anything else, these rogues train their eyes to snuff out deceit, weakness and illusions. With practice, nothing can escape the gaze of these detectives.


Deceit and insight are the main skills of these rogues, as they specialize in webs of trickery and manipulation. Masterminds concoct delicate plans, with which they can set up a situation that is most ideal for themselves.


These rogues are as dark as rogues get, as they deal with the spirits of the departed. Often, they learn skills from the departed, along with their horrid memories. As Phantoms continue to deepen their connection with the departed, they can instead of pulling the spirits to them, become something like a ghost themselves, albeit temporary.


Nimble and silent rogues make for good scouts, being able to detect enemies ahead of everyone else. In combat they are quick and hard to pin down, yet their true strength comes from their ability to ambush enemies and make use of their fast agile movement.


Abadoning the physical methods with which most rogues solve problems, the Soulknife has strong psionics with which they can pick locks and even communicate with their allies over long distance. Even the need for weapons in combat falls away, as they can conjure psychic blades to rend the mind of their foes.


In contrast to most rogues, the swashbuckler is loud and proud. They wield their charisma as a weapon, and they are the best dualists in any adventuring party. By taunts and sweet talk, they can control the opponent or make unlikely friends. If talking doesn't work, the blade swiftly takes over.


They are masters of acquiring that which isn't theirs. Thiefs can get to places that most cannot, pickpocket faster than the eye can track, and are astonishingly quiet. The allround classic rogue.


Spellcasters with a Birthright to Power
Born with magic in their blood, sorcerers have the most control over spells, being able to tweak them to their liking. Magic is bound to them, as they are bound to it. How they use it, is for the sorcerer to decide.

Primary ability:
Sorcery points

Are you a sorcerer? What kind of sorcerer are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

Aberrant Mind

Bonded at birth with an alien symbiont, or saturated by aberrant energy, the mind of these sorcerers has been altered and they gained magic powers that are channeled through psionics. The minds of these sorcerers are powerful and extremely durable. With time, they can summon even more of their aberrant energy, twisting their flesh as they need.

Clockwork Soul

Cosmic Balance has influenced the souls of these sorcerers, allowing them to tweak probability and chance. As they get a better sense of the cosmic balance, they can even undo the past, reshaping it as they like.

Draconic Bloodline

Draconic energy surges through the veins of these proud sorcerers, be it through ancestry or a deal with a dragon. Either way, they can embody the power of dragons, and more. Ranging from elemental prowess to fearsome might, these sorcerers, given enough time and experience, are often more terrifying than their dragon counterparts.

Divine Soul

Blessed with celestial energy, these sorcerers harbor light within them. They are adapt at healing with magic and, with time, they can even bring their celestial blood outward by manifesting radiant wings that allow them to fly. All in all, divine souls are as aweinspiring as angels, however they are not restricted by the commandments of the gods.

Shadow Magic

Death and darkness are one with the soul of shadow sorcerers. They might appear in many ways undead, but that is only due to the strong necrotic forces they carry within them. They are masters of darkness and can shape it into loyal minions, or into power to sustain their life force. Masters of shadow magic can even temporarily replace their flesh with the elusive substance of shadows.

Storm Sorcery

The elemental energy of air flows through these tempestuous sorcerers. They carry the wild and unpredictable energy of hurricanes and lightning storms within them, and can use it to punish those who are stupid enough to strike these elemental sorcerers.

Wild Magic

For some mysterious reason, these sorcerers have wild and untamed magic within them. It acts out, often against the wishes of the casters, yet once they learn to channel the power of chaos, these sorcerers are one of the most powerful spell casters in the world, being able to level entire armies with their devastating magic.


Seekers of Knowledge & Power
Investigators of arcane lore and knowledge, warlocks are also fascinated with the workings of the world. They are therefore inclined to make a pact with a powerful creature, thus gaining even more knowledge and insight. They are gifted Eldritch invocations by their patrons that augment them permanently, giving them magical abilities.

Primary ability:
Eldritch Invocations

Are you a warlock? What kind of warlock are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠


Lords and Ladies of the fey hold ancient secrets and their wild charisma goes well with the warlocks convincing abilities.


These warlocks channel the divine power of gods and angels, giving them the grace and zeal of angels.


Strange things live in the depths of the oceans. Some are willing to offer their powers to mortals, giving their warlocks the ability to summon the endless deep, where ever they need it.


Fiends are tricky, as their minds are twisted and corrupted, yet they can make for dependable patrons. Still, the warlock usually gets the shorter end of the stick. Fiend patrons give their warlocks mind-bending and reality-breaking powers, in addition to the ability to resist the fires of hell.


Elemental lords, genies gift different powers depending on their type. However, should the patron like their warlocks, they will also grant them limited wishes.

Great Old One

These patrons are beyond understanding. Their presence alone can drive mortals insane. Therefore their warlocks usually sport very tough and endurant minds, being able to take the strain of the distant sight of their patron.


Some sentient weapons have become powerful enough to grant their wielders extra powers, turning them into eldritch warriors, capable of creating magical armor and striking with devastating power.


Liches and vampires sometimes wish to have a protégé or a right hand. These Undead can teach their warlocks the secrets of undeath, and in turn, they serve the undead lords.


Basically the same as undead patrons, except they gift different kinds of powers.


Scholarly Masters of Magic
Versatile and at the same time specialized casters, wizards can have a wide array of spells, while being masters of a certain type of magic. They use spellbooks to assist them in their arsenal of spells.

Primary ability:

Are you a wizard? What kind of wizard are you?

💠 Subclasses 💠

School of Abjuration

Wizards of this school excel at casting wards and protective magic in general, while being the toughest of all casters. Customarily, they have little tricks up their sleaves, like setting magical traps or unlocking doors with a flick of the finger.

School of Bladesinging

Bladesinging mixes arcane magic with fine swordsmanship. The bladesong makes the caster light on their feet and adept with the sword, being able to combine spellcasting and sword strikes.

School of Chronurgy

Chronurgy, like the name suggests influences time, and sometimes even the chance of an outcome. Masters at chronurgy can even freeze a spell in time, so that they may cast it later.

School of Conjuration

Conjuration is centered around summoning weapons and allies. Wizards of these schools have the strongest summons, and even teleport while casting conjuration spells.

School of Divination

Wizards of these schools have perfected sight beyond their eyes. They are able to perceive the invisible and often times understand texts they cannot read. Furthermore, their sight into the future gives them an edge to react to many dangers.

School of Enchantment

Enchantment clouds the minds of others, and is often the most peaceful approach in a conflict, as it can de-escalate a situation. Wizards of this school are capable of enchanting many more than other wizards, with a higher rate of success.

School of Evocation

Sometimes a more direct approach is needed, or combat is unavoidable. Evocation wizards excel in combat, being able to protect their allies from the brunt force of their spells, whilst their magic becomes stronger against the enemies.

School of Graviturgy

Wizards of Graviturgy can affect density and gravity as a whole, from creating points of intense gravity, to simply shifting it.

School of Illusion

Illusions are a useful tool, for manipulation as well as protection. Wizards who specialize in this magic are especially creative with magic, and can do more with it than most.

School of Necromancy

Life force can be manipulated in many ways. Necromancy allows for magic that wrecks life force, and magic that pumps life into already dead matter, animating it, and a lot more.

Order of Scribes

These wizards don't focus so much on a single form of magic, but rather on knowledge in general, turning their spellbooks into companions and archives of information.

School of Transmutation

Transmutation focuses on the transformation of different things, be it a mouse into a chair, lungs to gills, or solid to dust. Transmutation is very straight-foward, yet diverse. Wizards of this school learn to focus this power, even creating magical aids to assist them in their work.

School of War Magic

Wizards don't often engage in war, and when they do, it's usually in defending their home or a court where they work. War Wizards however specialize in combat magic, learning to deflect, both, magic and weapon away from them, while building up power for counter attacks. They are a menace on a battle field, but may not fair so well at solving a puzzle as their other brothers and sisters.

This page presents a quick overview of the available D&D classes and subclasses. Naturally, there is more information available about each one of these. Enjoy the character creation process, and remember: Your dungeon master can advise you every step of the way, and help you choose the right class for your next game.

Other choices to make before the game begins:

Choosing your D&D race
Your background story

Your DM can assist you with character creation

Find out more about the method