Word: 'passion' • Extended Annotations
Word: 'passion' • Extended Annotations
circa 1200, "the sufferings of Christ on the Cross; the death of Christ"
from Old French passion (10th century) "Christ's passion, physical suffering"
from Latin passio, -onis "suffering, story of suffering"
a word of uncertain origin
compassion, "sympathy, pity", literally "suffering with another"
“Indeed, I could withdraw into the inanity of ignorance, spend my days passionately invested in convincing myself that it is comfort I am experiencing, and not the immovable bluntness of lethargy.
No, thank you!”
"Weird Genius"
~☉~ | lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context |
⚜ | classic definition |
☣ | artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense |