Word: 'agony' • Extended Annotations
Word: 'agony' • Extended Annotations
of Latin origin:
agon, -onis "struggle, contest, gladiator fight"
agonizare "to dispute, struggle, fight (against)"
agonia "victim, beast for sacrifice"
Agonia or Agonalia were festivities celebrated on Jan. 9 as Janus festivities, March 17 in honor of Mars, May 20 in honor of the god of the underworld, and Dec.10 in honor of Sol Indiges.
ago, -onis were sacrificers (sacrificial priests)
“You know, if we understand one question rightly, all questions are answered. But we don't know how to ask the right question. To ask the right question demands a great deal of intelligence and sensitivity. Here is a question, a fundamental question: is life a torture? It is, as it is; and man has lived in this torture centuries upon centuries, from ancient history to the present day, in agony, in despair, in sorrow; and he doesn't find a way out of it. Therefore he invents gods, churches, all the rituals, and all that nonsense, or he escapes in different ways. What we are trying to do, during all these discussions and talks here, is to see if we cannot radically bring about a transformation of the mind, not accept things as they are, nor revolt against them. Revolt doesn't answer a thing. You must understand it, go into it, examine it, give your heart and your mind, with everything that you have, to find out a way of living differently. That depends on you, and not on someone else, because in this there is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what is.
I think that will be enough, won't it?”
Jiddu Krishnamurti
~☉~ | lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context |
⚜ | classic definition |
☣ | artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense |