Word: 'ascung' • Extended Annotations
Word: 'ascung' • Extended Annotations
from Proto-Germanic *aiskojanan
from Old English ascian "ask, call for an answer, make a request"
Middle English asken
earlier ahsian
equivalent to āscian + -ung
See ascian
A pure, unadulterated word
"Each aelix is unique, and has its individual ascungs. Moved by your essence, you examine and investigate them through experiences, living to discover the answers. Sometimes you add new ascungs to your helix."
"Weird Genius"
~☉~ | lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context |
⚜ | classic definition |
☣ | artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense |