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Word: 'judge' • Extended Annotations


Extended Annotations

Ancestral Lore

Ancestral Lore of judge

noun, from Latin judex "judge, juror"
verb, from Latin iuger or juger "to judge"

(The J letter is a Roman addition)

judge noun judge verb


Specific examples and quotes of judge

To be a judge is not the same as judging.

It can be.

However, to judge things for oneself (see judge verb, conventional definition 1) is not the same as assuming the role of passing judgment unto complete strangers.

Such a thing can only exist in an artificium.
It is one of its distinguishing marks.

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~☉~lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context
classic definition
artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense

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