Word: 'free' • Extended Annotations
Word: 'free' • Extended Annotations
Old English freo "exempt from; not in bondage, acting of one's own will"
also "noble; joyful"
from Proto-Germanic *friaz "beloved; not in bondage"
from PIE *priy-a- "dear, beloved"
from root *pri- "to love"
With as many definitions, free means entirely too many things. Most conventional definitions deserve to be marked by ☣, as they dilute the original essence of the word and its meaning. Legalities constantly take advantage of such "word play." Diluted definitions allow for legalized and legal corruption.
"In this one confluence, I would like you to be free... of any kind of prejudice."
"Weird Genius"
~☉~ | lucid definition; added layer of lucidity, or aethereal context |
⚜ | classic definition |
☣ | artificium definition; usually words which have undergone a warped evolution, or a complete perversion of the original sense |