Weird Genius • The Story of Your Ankh
Weird Genius • The Story of Your Ankh
Language: English | Jezik: Naš | Sprache: Deutsch |
A dialogue. A story. Both, essential to Your Genius.
“This is a fascinating and challenging read. At times I wanted to put it down, to absorb what I had just read, but was drawn to continue reading.
This remarkable book enabled me to see many things differently and it challenged a number of my previous conclusions.
I recommend this book to anyone curious about a rapidly changing world, where things are not what they seem. I’m looking forward to having a copy to re-read often.”
John Emerson, New Zealand
“Not a light read, but one to shatter illusions nurtured since birth. It's tough and one can quickly try to discard it as a mad tale, yet if you persist and read on, you'll find it holds truth and makes more sense than the common narrative of this world. As such, I recommend this book for true explorers of reality and open minds.”
Christopher L.N., Vienna
Original language:
“Ova knjiga je za one koji istinski tragaju za istinom i suštinom, bez iluzija. Nije lagano štivo za površno čitanje. Nije za one koji traže utehu u lepim rečima, već za one koji su spremni na hrabro suočavanje sa sobom i žele da zaista razumeju sebe i svet oko sebe.
Iskrena, direktna i na momente bolna, vodi vas kroz dublje razumevanje života, bez uvijanja u oblande.”
Sandra Žerjal, Serbia
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Other books by Sabina Nore:
Imagination Scenarios and Mental Challenges