Čudan Genije • Priča o tvom ankhu
Čudan Genije • Priča o tvom ankhu
Jezik: Naš | Language: English | Sprache: Deutsch |
Dijalog. Priča. I jedno i drugo, od suštinskog značaja za tvoj genije.
Knjiga “Weird Genius, The Story of Your Ankh” je trenutno dostupačna samo na engleskom.
“Ovo je fascinantna i izazovna knjiga. Ponekad sam želeo da je odložim, da upijem ono što sam upravo pročitao, ali me je privlačilo da nastavim sa čitanjem.
Ova izuzetna knjiga mi je omogućila da mnoge stvari sagledam drugačije i osporila je niz mojih prethodnih zaključaka.
Preporučujem ovu knjigu svima koji su znatiželjni o svetu koji se brzo menja, gde stvari nisu onakve kakvim se čine. Radujem se da imam primerak koju mogu često da čitam.”
“This is a fascinating and challenging read. At times I wanted to put it down, to absorb what I had just read, but was drawn to continue reading.
This remarkable book enabled me to see many things differently and it challenged a number of my previous conclusions.
I recommend this book to anyone curious about a rapidly changing world, where things are not what they seem. I’m looking forward to having a copy to re-read often”
John Emerson, Novi Zeland
“Not a light read, but one to shatter illusions nurtured since birth. It's tough and one can quickly try to discard it as a mad tale, yet if you persist and read on, you'll find it holds truth and makes more sense than the common narrative of this world. As such, I recommend this book for true explorers of reality and open minds.”
Christopher L.N., Beč
Sandra Žerjal, Srbija
uskoro na
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