• Following the path of lucidity, in search of the true and essential meaning of words ― an immaculate tool of magic and manifesting •
• Following the path of lucidity, in search of the true and essential meaning of words ― an immaculate tool of magic and manifesting •
Shifting the meaning of words is directly proportional to the shifting of perception of those who use them "in the new and contempotary way." All the while, those old words and morphs hold their original and essential energy, and meaning. The joke is on the unsuspecting speaker.
EA is evolving into a refined glossary, present
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Maginario were initiated as a companion to the book and simply continued to grow. Be that as it may, if you seek the true meaning of words, their essence, stay awhile.
The EA lays no claim to omniscience. Language has been greatly obfuscated. Greater lexicographers, philologs and logophiles have offered contributions to clarity. More than anything else, the EA is meant as an invitation to lucidity and conscious usage of language.